Weather forecast was for accumulations of snow in the west… followed within 24 hours by storm “Rachael”. This would have to be quick!
When I’m traveling on my own in inclement weather for photos I tend to be conservative and go to places I know and try to capture them with dramatic weather. The alternative of scouting new locations on my own in the mountains in the middle of winter with a storm coming still does not really appeal to me for some reason.
So first port of call minutes before sunset was Lough Nafooey above. Approaching from Clonbur the light on the far side of the mountain I’m standing on was suberb, but alas did not reach to this scene. Dilemma, follow the light or head for a known location… in this case I headed for my old haunt and was not disappointed.
The light faded fast so all I could do was find somewhere to eat and wait for dawn…
The sun did not quite appear, but still created some nice light lasting all of 2 minutes… It was too weak to throw any colour into the sky above the mountains so I’d have swap out my 16-35mm for the 18-300 mm and look for some detail in the landscape.
For my first winter shoot in this location I was happy enough considering I was shooting in total for about 2 hours between sunset and sunrise. I couldn’t change the lighting, but more advance location scouting is definitely on the to do list.
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