A fantasy photo shoot


So part II of my day with Elle Beth comprised another location and a collaboration with creative stylist duo Carrot Inc. (Vaida Rascuite and Kristina Sumile) and extremely talented MUA Aushra Lauren. This time the brief was the same, dark background, period location.  The difference was I left the rest entirely up to Vaida and Kristina.  They organised the location, MUA, concept and styling.  I had worked with this duo once before and very happy with the results, but I was still very anxious to be honest!

I shouldn’t have worried, their work speaks for itself.  I was speechless:-) Enjoy…

NiallCWhelan_20150423_564-EditNiallCWhelan_20150423_583-EditNiallCWhelan_20150423_727-EditThere are many more images in this set, lots of fun processing ahead.

Over the years I have had mixed reports from Photographers and Models about working with larger teams of stylists and Mua’s for camera club level work.  All I can say is ignore everyone elses past experiences and biases and create a vision and find the best people you can to collaborate with.  Don’t avoid trying something, try and fail, and learn in the process.  I know I have nowhere near the talent of the combined efforts and imagination that went into producing these images. Without taking a chance and the collaboration I’d still be in my shed with my old backdrop and a lot more Photoshop work to do:-)

The only problem with all of these images is, I will not be able to use more than one or two max in my future distinction panel:-(  At least they all can be tried out in FIAP salons:-)

I’d like to thank everyone involved Vaida, Kristina, Aushra, and Elle Beth.   What next?…

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