Fotoclub Siliguri – Everest International Digital Salon 2018
When I realised last month I was 4 images shy of the 50 mark required for EFIAP Bronze, I dug out 12 new works to submit to 3 salons. The first returned zero acceptances and left me very worried I would not make the EFIAP\b criteria, but instead have to wait an entire extra year to be successful. The second salon provided 3 new works acceptances, leaving me 1 image shy of distinction criteria.
I’m delighted to be able to report all eight of my images were accepted in above India salon. The Ireland deadline for FIAP submissions is the end of February and this was my last hope for EFIAP\b acceptance criteria. With 5 new works accepted in this salon, I now have 54 works with a total of 259 accepted images. All the remains I hope is the paperwork!
Here are the 8 new accepted works from this salon.
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