Author: admin

  • AFIAP distinction awarded

    AFIAP distinction awarded

    I’m delighted to have received my AFIAP distinction today.  The first leg of the FIAP journey now complete.  The images I submitted (18 in total) are shown here:

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  • Another Salon Gold Medal

    Another Salon Gold Medal

    NSAPK CIRCUIT 2016 2 Country Serbia – Montenegro 4 Salons Novi Sad – Aleksinac – Podgorica – Kotor Dark Beauty Bink made DPA Gold Medal this week in Monochrome section of Podgorica salon.  In addition, I received a total of 33 acceptances out of a possible 48 for the entire circuit.  I haven’t been entering…

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  • Easter Monday 2016

    Easter Monday 2016

    This morning my wife Liz was pouring over maps trying to figure out how to best get to Ashbourne and the Rath monument for todays commemoration.  I’ve never understood this kind of stress.  I practice positive parking, so unless you do too, you will perhaps not realise that any thoughts about “How” to find the…

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  • Donabate 2016

    Donabate 2016

    Today all over Ireland people marked the centenary of the 1916 rebellion in public and personal ways. Some of the images I recorded today are in this gallery. Many locals dressed in uniform or costume remembering relatives locally involved in 1916.  The image below was one of my favuorite portraits of the day. It saddens…

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  • Mayo Weekend – Part II

    Mayo Weekend – Part II

    Up at 6am. Look out the window, cloud, and more cloud.  Brain might be slow, but it doesn’t take long to decide to go back to bed!  When I finally get up there is still blanket cloud cover but a glimmer of light on the horizon and the forecast for sunny spells motivates me to…

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  • Mayo Weekend – Part I

    Mayo Weekend – Part I

    This weekend I headed west for some landscape photography on the south shore of Lough Mask near Clonbur, straddling the Mayo / Galway boarder. I arrived late Saturday afternoon in time for a sunset shoot. I started with some shots of my favourite submerged tree on the lake which I had not captured in this…

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  • Revisiting the landscape

    Revisiting the landscape

    Never delete images!   The above image was taken in 2008, I’m only got to post process it yesterday!  Back then I would not have used the same techniques and would not have been as happy with the results.  It’s not my favourite image from then, but others seems to like it a lot! I’ve…

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  • Finding my inspiration

    Finding my inspiration

    Since achieving my AIPF distinction last September, my model photography went into hibernation.  Partly because the effort to come up with my panel had exhausted my brain, partly because my main location in the shed/studio was too cold for comfortable winter work.  so I was delighted this past weekend to be back shooting with Madame…

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  • Letter Box Landscapes

    Letter Box Landscapes

    I’m not usually in the habit of making very wide format images, but recently I’ve been asked to fill walls requiring this format so thought I’d look at some of my landscapes and see how the work. I think i have plenty more images that will work well in this format, so might have to…

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  • More FIAP Salon results!

    More FIAP Salon results!

    My second salon results this year just in, and I have received 2 awards and 19 acceptances in the DPW WMC Circuit 2016, Serbia.  My Monochrome works seem to be performing far better for me than all my other images.  Ironically I think they are the simpler images to create in many respects.  Food for…

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