Category: Art-Nude
AFIAP distinction awarded
I’m delighted to have received my AFIAP distinction today. The first leg of the FIAP journey now complete. The images I submitted (18 in total) are shown here:
Another Salon Gold Medal
NSAPK CIRCUIT 2016 2 Country Serbia – Montenegro 4 Salons Novi Sad – Aleksinac – Podgorica – Kotor Dark Beauty Bink made DPA Gold Medal this week in Monochrome section of Podgorica salon. In addition, I received a total of 33 acceptances out of a possible 48 for the entire circuit. I haven’t been entering…
Finding my inspiration
Since achieving my AIPF distinction last September, my model photography went into hibernation. Partly because the effort to come up with my panel had exhausted my brain, partly because my main location in the shed/studio was too cold for comfortable winter work. so I was delighted this past weekend to be back shooting with Madame…
More FIAP Salon results!
My second salon results this year just in, and I have received 2 awards and 19 acceptances in the DPW WMC Circuit 2016, Serbia. My Monochrome works seem to be performing far better for me than all my other images. Ironically I think they are the simpler images to create in many respects. Food for…
DRINA CIRCUIT 2015 Success
I was delighted to find out yesterday I received two awards in the 1st Drina Circuit 2015 salon. ARTFOTO Silver Medal for “Rapahella on Point” and a AUFBIH honorable mention ribbon for “Anne”. Some old and new images were submitted to this salon, receiving a total of 32 acceptances. This salon concludes all the acceptances…
Falling Heros
Creating an image we’re told, should start with a vision and follow on with a creative process to achieve that vision. Sometimes this is not the case, instead creating an image itself leads to a tangential thought process and presents more material for future exploration. This was the case when I dug out an image…
My day with Madame Bink
My first model shoot I arranged myself was back in 2008, not long after joining Celbridge Camera Club and being immensely impressed by the inspiring work of many club members. As I never do things in half measures I jumped into this endeavor full of naive enthusiasm, booked not one but two fantastic models visiting…
A Grecian Goddess
Having a vision, model and location does not necessarily mean a well executed result. In this case trying to create an art-nude image with a location a little too close to other amenities, and families having picnics in the unusually warm Irish weather, meant I’d have to cheat and resort to photoshop. So, after we…
A Northern Rose…
Rachelle is visiting Ireland again and I could not pass up an opportunity to work with her again. Here’s a quick edit from today.
Papyrus 2015 – Special Jury Award
I’ve been very fortunate with my image “Hands Laid Bare” featuring Elle Beth. I received my second international salon award for the image in the Exceedphoto Papyrus 2015 salon in India. For my AFIAP journey so far I’ve received acceptances in 7 of the eight required countries and 10 salons out of the required 15…
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