Category: Uncategorized

  • Our degraded landscape… hope for the future?

    Our degraded landscape… hope for the future?

    Recently I’ve been reflecting on the past ten thousand years of human activity and our impact on the environment and landscape around the world.  Books like “Babylon: Mesopotamia and the Birth of Civilisation” helped put my mind in a timescale of Eons and put the geopolitical behaviors of our “leaders” in perspective, as well as…

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  • Recuerdos De La Alhambra

    Recuerdos De La Alhambra

    It’s been 10 years since our first visit to the beautiful Alhambra Palace in Granada.  Last time we visited in late October and the heat was not so challenging.  This time, we chose to go on a 3 hour guided tour so there was not so much time for photos, nor opportunity, given the crowds…

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  • GAP Gold Medal in 6th Greek Photographic Circuit, 2018!

    GAP Gold Medal in 6th Greek Photographic Circuit, 2018!

    Today I received the results of the 6th Greek photographic salon, receiving a GAP Gold medal for “Mischkah Mist BW”.  Altogether receiving 22 acceptances across the four salons in this circuit. So, I have 1 remaining new image acceptance to receive this month in order to meet the criteria for my next FIAP distinction –…

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  • 2nd New Year Circuit 2018 results

    2nd New Year Circuit 2018 results

    Another great result for me this week in the Serbia New Year 2018 circuit.  For the first time I received awards in Nature for my landscape images “Sands of Time” and “Upper Antelope”, both images I captured this exact week last year.  I also received more awards this circuit than ever before with a total…

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  • Miroc Circuit results!

    Miroc Circuit results!

    Delighted this week to receive two PSA gold medals and an HM in the Miroc salon circuit.  Not only that but I received 37 out of possible 64 acceptances; also every work was accepted in at least on salon.   “6th MIROC Exhibition Donji Milanovac 2018”, Donji Milanovac, Serbia Gold PSA medal: Niall Whelan, Ireland,…

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  • 2nd Nordic Salon acceptances

    2nd Nordic Salon acceptances

    This year was my fist time to enter the Nordic Salon encompassing Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark.  I entered 8 images to this circuit, and had a total of 5 images accepted.  However, only two images out of eight were accepted in each leg of the circuit.  Lucky for me the judges found something worthy…

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  • Funding my passion

    Funding my passion

    Photography can be an expensive hobby, especially if you have diverse interests and less time than you would like to make better economic decisions.  Over the years I have balanced spending money on equipment, travel, models, and other project needs, with time available to research the best options.  Inevitably, I tend to try make informed…

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  • San Gimignano, first impressions…

    San Gimignano, first impressions…

    We’re on a family vacation this week, our first ever visit to the Tuscany region of Italy.  Staying just outside the beautiful town of San Gimignano, I couldn’t help but take the camera out every chance I’ve had so far.  No point in describing it, I’ll just show some images in the gallery…

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  • ARTFOTO 2017, Bosnia and Herzegovina

    ARTFOTO 2017, Bosnia and Herzegovina

    I received good news today from my latest salon entry ARTFOTO 2017.  I was hoping my landscape and travel photos would have an impact but in the end only one image “Upper Antelope” made the acceptance grade.  On a positive note I received two awards for art nudes works: “Joy” and “Cresent Duet” both on…

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  • Soft Light

    Soft Light

     Mother nature was in a funny mood tonight, rain, sunshine, mist, darker ominous clouds rolling in from the west.  Hard to know if there was an image to be had.  I started in the estuary looking northwest to the setting sun, but as sunset approached the oncoming clouds were eating any interesting light to the…

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