6th Balkan Exhibition 2021 results


I received results today for the last salon entered for my EFIAP Silver journey – the 6th Balkan Exhibition 2021 circuit for Serbia, Cyprus, and Romania. I received 5 awards, and 41 out of a possible 64 acceptances, with 14 of my 16 images being accepted.

Femme D’Orient: FIAP Mention, Oradea

Seamstress: Salon Mention – Bor, Salon mention – Resita

Fanny en pointe: DIPA Silver Medal – Oradea

Not so grim reaper: Salon mention – Resita

So the last task for my EFIAP Silver is the application paperwork. I’ve been keeping track of all my acceptances and awards in my Salon database; so that process will be relatively painless. By my calculations I will submit 55 works receiving 19 awards from 10 different country salons, and 172 acceptances from salons in 20 countries overall. Quite a few of these images were either taken on remote shoots in 2020, socially distanced one-2-one studio shoots, or even landscape images when travel restrictions permitted. So really not a bad result for 2020 considering. The accepted images from this salon are shown below:

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