I received results today for the last salon entered for my EFIAP Silver journey – the 6th Balkan Exhibition 2021 circuit for Serbia, Cyprus, and Romania. I received 5 awards, and 41 out of a possible 64 acceptances, with 14 of my 16 images being accepted.
So the last task for my EFIAP Silver is the application paperwork. I’ve been keeping track of all my acceptances and awards in my Salon database; so that process will be relatively painless. By my calculations I will submit 55 works receiving 19 awards from 10 different country salons, and 172 acceptances from salons in 20 countries overall. Quite a few of these images were either taken on remote shoots in 2020, socially distanced one-2-one studio shoots, or even landscape images when travel restrictions permitted. So really not a bad result for 2020 considering. The accepted images from this salon are shown below:
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