Photo Journal
Summer Time Begins
The usual way summer TIME is heralded in Ireland is by being late for work after the clocks push forward one hour, without being noticed in an overcast grey world. Not this weekend! This weekend we were provided with unbroken sunrise from dawn to dusk. What I tend to forget living on the east coast…
EFIAP Paperwork complete!
After a week of catch-up, adding many salon details into my database, I finally submitted my EFIAP application today. I had been a bit remiss with my salon tracking as I rushed to enter many salons in the past few months to meet my targets, but I’m glad I had the database to keep me…
5th Greek Photographic Circuit 2017
I learned today that I received a PSA Honorable Mention in the Rhodos salon of the 5th Greek Photographic Circuit for “Raphaella on Point”. In total I received 27 acceptances across the four salons on a range of twelve images in four sections. This concludes my county entries for my EFIAP distinction submission, now time…
5° Circuito 8 Marzo Fotografia – 2017
Delighted to learn today I received a Bronze medal for “Harlequin” with Sienna Hayes and 10 out of 12 images accepted overall in my first Italian salon! This relatively new image has received an award in every outing so far!
Images from Arizona and Utah trip…
I’ve compile these images in a video here.
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