Photo Journal
Portrait Masters Awards
This week I received the results of my first ever submission to the Sue Bryce Education – Portrait Masters competition for January 2021. Before I get to my results, a word about why I felt I should pursue yet another international awards and distinction journey. I have been entering national and international photographic competitions since…
6th Balkan Exhibition 2021 results
I received results today for the last salon entered for my EFIAP Silver journey – the 6th Balkan Exhibition 2021 circuit for Serbia, Cyprus, and Romania. I received 5 awards, and 41 out of a possible 64 acceptances, with 14 of my 16 images being accepted. So the last task for my EFIAP Silver is…
Meeting the EFIAP/silver criteria…
So I’m thinking tonight how many personal and sometimes professional achievements happen quietly and unnoticed. I received salon results today for the BOKA BAY 20201 Montenegro and Serbia circuit salon with a bunch of new images I hastily put together to hopefully close the gap for the required number of new accepted works for the…
9th Miroc Exhibition Circuit results
So I’m hopefully on the home stretch for my submission to FIAP for the EFIAP Silver distinction. I was 13 new image acceptances short of the required 50 new works. That is, until today, when I received the results of the latest salon circuit for Serbia, Russia, South Africa, and Norway. I received acceptances for…
Back to Norway…
Mischkah and I managed to arrange our first remote shoot of 2021 in her new Norwegian location. Here are some of the images from our two hour session. We split the time with studio lights and natural light and two different spaces. Very pleased with what we produced in such a short space of time.…
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